Intake for the 2024 Honours Jury is now closed. Watch for a call for jurors again in fall 2024.
To assist in the fair and transparent process of reviewing submissions for Women in Music Canada Honours cateogries, we will engage aproximately 25 jurors from across the Canadian music industry.
Jurors wil be asked to consider excellence demonstrated through Industry success and artistic merit in adjudication, in addition to thoughtful demonstration of how the Honour would help advance the applicant’s career. The WIMC jury team reserves the right to recommend a recategorization of a submission to the WIMC Director if they feel the applicant is more suited to a different Honour. All WIMC Honours Committee decisions are final.
In advance of passing materials along to the Jury, each submission will be screened upon completion to ensure that it is complete and meets all eligibility requirements. Any submissions that are incomplete or ineligible will be disqualified.
Each jury member will be asked to adjudicate one to three categories, with care to not be reviewing categories in which they had conflict of interest.
Jurors will be paid a $150 honourarium for their time.
Interested in sharing your expertice as a juror? Check back in Fall 2024.
Thankyou to the 2024 honours Jury members:
Please note: All jurors reviewed categories that they did not have conflicts with nominees. While some jurors did end up being nominees, they were on no way involved with the influence of the categories they wer submitted for.
Amber Moyle (ON)
Brandi Vazina (MB)
Carly Klassen (AB)
Charlie Wall-Andrews (ON)
Ebonnie Rowe (ON)
Heather Gibson (ON)
Jenn Ianovs (ON)
Jinting Zhao (AB)
Julia Amodeo (ON)
Karen Bliss (ON)
Keziah Myers (ON)
Kristy Fletcher (ON)
Kyria Kilakos (QC)
Laurie Lee Boutet (ON)
Maddy Oliver (ON)
Michelle Allman-Esdaille (ON)
Nicole Barcelona (NY)
Patti-Anne Tarlton (BC)
Rachel Stone (MB)
Ryhna Thompson (QC)
Sandy Pandya (ON)
Sarah Osgoode (ON)
Shaneen Robinson (MB/BC)
Sherry Sinclaire (ON)
Vanessa Kazina (MB)
Yvonne Matsell (ON)
All honours Categories are reviewed by a jury of peers and then reviwed by the Women in Music Canada Honours Committee.