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WIMC Connect Feature Artists and Innovators - WondaGurl

Published: 04 August 2023

Q: What are you most proud of in your career thus far?

A: Building a platform. As I continue to build out my label and publishing company under Wonderchild, I just want to give more artists the platform to succeed.

Q: What is one thing you’ve learned about business, people, or yourself, during your career thus far?

A: It's a lot of work lol. At times it gets hard balancing being a business owner and being an artist, but I'm working on it every day.

Q: Can you tell us about one woman or non-binary champion who has influenced your career and how?

A: Nobody has inspired me more than my Mom, Grandma, and family. But I'm inspired by all of the women artists and executives out there! Missy Elliot, Alicia Keys, Beyonce, and Sylvia Rhone are huge inspirations of mine.

Q: Can you give an example of a challenge have you faced in your career that you feel were more so based on gender? How did you overcome this?

A: I try not to look at it that way. I don't want people to see me as a female producer, I just want to be the best producer and executive I can be.

Q: What tip(s) do you have for fellow producers, especially women and non-binary producers?

A: Just keep working hard. Be the best at your craft. Make undeniable music.

Q: Production is one of the more gender imbalanced areas of the music industry. What wish do you have for equity change in music that could help us see more women and non-binary folks in music production?  

A: I just hope in the future artists don't see or treat producers differently if they are a man or woman. Even though it’s a very male dominated industry, I hope that more women and non-binary producers decide to follow their dreams and don’t let anything stop them. Talent is talent. 

Q: What can we expect to see coming in 2023 for you? What are you most excited about?

A: New artists on my label, more cuts as a producer (shoutout to my bro Travis, he just dropped his album), and some of my own original music.